Safety Data Sheets: Russian SDS and other types of SDS
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are legally required for chemicals in many countries across the world.
Some facts about SDS
Usually comprised of 16 sections
Russian SDS have a title page with a unique QR-code
Developed in accordance with the UN GHS recommendations
In order to develop Russian SDS it is not enough to just translate an SDS used in a different country, the specific legal requirements must be considered (and vice versa)
In case the product itself or its info is changed. SDS or Russian SDS must be updated
Russian SDS
Russian SDS
- Developed in accordance with the GOST 30333-2007
- Must be included into the Russian Register of SDS by a competent authority
We need the following in order to develop and register a Russian SDS:
- Power of Attorney (download) so that Aventine can submit the documents on your behalf – signed scan copy;
- Application (download) - signed scan copy;
- Information letter about the chemical’s composition (download) - one original copy;
- Russian SDS title page as per standard form – as a Microsoft Word document .doc/.docx (download);
- Russian SDS text – as a Microsoft Word document .doc/.docx (download);
- Guidance document applicable for the chemical (i.e. GOST, organization standard, etc.) – certified copy, outlining the enactment date;
- Information letter about product’s packaging, warranty period and shelf life – signed scan copy;
- Product’s technical description – signed scan copy;
- Testing reports, toxicological reports, certificates, declarations, assessments, etc. (if available) – electronic copies
- Power of Attorney (download) so that Aventine can submit the documents on your behalf – signed scan copy;
- Application (download) - signed scan copy;
- Information letter about the chemical’s composition (download) - one original copy;
- Product’s SDS in English;
- Information letter about product’s packaging, warranty period and shelf life – signed scan copy;
- Product’s technical description – signed scan copy;
- Testing reports, toxicological reports, certificates, declarations, assessments, etc. (if available) – electronic copies
SDS (excluding Russian SDS)
Safety Data Sheets
Developed in accordance with the destination country legislation
Pay attention!
- SDS is developed in accordance with the target country legislation. It’s generally not enough to just translate an existing SDS into another language
- Each country requires its own SDS (except the EU countries)
- Each technical name requires its own SDS
We need the following in order to develop an SDS:
- Properly approved legal/technical guidance for the product (if available) – a copy;
- Information about the product’s composition (mass fractions of constituents, including additives, impurities, etc., each with its identification numbers – CAS, EC numbers) – information letter with the company letterhead;
- Testing reports containing data on physical, chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of the chemical (if available) – electronic copies;
- Chemical Safety Reports in editable format (if the product or its constituents are registered in accordance with EU REACH) – for supplies to the EU;
- Russian SDS (if available) – electronic copy;
- UN number (if available);
- Technical name of the product in English;
- Destination countries (to which the product’s supplies are planned to be made)